Mudras: The Healing Power in your Hands

“In this respect, Kundalini Yoga assumes that every area of the hand forms a reflex zone for an associated part of the body and the brain.

Healing techniquesIn this way, we can consider the hands to be a mirror for our body and our mind.” ~ Lothar Rüdiger Lütge, Kundalini yoga expert Practiced since antiquity in combination with pranayama, asanas and meditation, Mudras or Hand Gestures is a practice to improve your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Our hands define our karma and fingers being the power points, are a link between individual Pranic force and universal cosmic energy.
The subtle hand and finger movements make important connections in the nervous system and stimulate specific energy pathways or nadis. Human body is an amalgamation of 5 elements of nature – Earth, Air, Water, Space and Fire & each finger acts as a representative of one element.
Yogis believed if one wants to cure any disease, they can tap into the energy of the elements and rectify the imbalance with the practice of suitable mudras. Starting from the thumb, the fingers represent Fire, Air, Space, Earth and Water, as depicted in the image.
Mudras redirect the energy flow to the upper Chakras, and gradually establish a link between all the Koshas (layers) of the body.
Let’s look at 7 mudras, its benefits and duration for improving our mental, spiritual and physical health.