Cilantro purifies water
The herb cilantro has been found to be an amazing water purifier, as it absorbs heavy metals and harmful chemicals such as nickel and lead...
The herb cilantro has been found to be an amazing water purifier, as it absorbs heavy metals and harmful chemicals such as nickel and lead...
How to build a water heater out of used parts and how to use a Stovetec Rocket stove to start the thermo siphoning process...
We have a powerful 7 days coming for you with The Truth About Vaccines, and this information is vital for parents to have to fully understand the vaccine issue...
Finally people are getting the idea - to become health professionals effective within the fairly unique South African context, we need to be educated in a way that prepares...
many people are beginning to enjoy the stress-reducing techniques used in Reiki. Universal energy used to relax and heal through meditation and spiritual growth...
The History of reiki needs to be honoured, while at the same time respecting the changing needs of people and the Earth...
The essential oils play a major role in enhancing the vibrational pattern, nfluencing our chakras along with one's aura...
We are demanding more and more than ever before and in order to live up to the demands of the world we need a solid education upon which to base our skills and knowledge...
Earthlife Africa took Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa to court after she granted environmental authorisation for the establishment of the 1 200 megawatts coal-fired...
In the absence of an update to the outdated national Integrated Resource Plan for Electricity, IRP2010-2030, the CSIR Energy Centre has presented its own study to re-optimise...