What is astrology really – an existential deconstruction

Amongst astrologers – as amongst lawyers – there is no truth, only opinion. Even in science, half of what is being taught today will become irrelevant or actually incorrect in a few years. This is particularly true of the social sciences like psychology and sociology. And astrology may want to fit itself into that category. If even in science, which is a matter of evidence,…

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You are what you think

Do we really believe the enhanced versions of ourselves that we offer up to the world? How accurately do we really perceive ourselves, especially when looking at our astrological horoscopes? In a survey of a million high school seniors, 25% considered themselves in the top one percent and only 2% considered themselves to be below average. Even amongst university professors 94% said they did above…

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Western versus Vedic Astrology

When considering Western astrology (tropical zodiac) versus Vedic astrology or Jyotish (siderial zodiac), one may ask, “what's the difference?” Well to be exact, the difference between the tropical and siderial zodiac is 23 degrees. That is the fundamental difference in the zodiac wheel of 360 degrees. If we go back around 1500 – 2000 years we see that the two zodiac systems were aligned. However,…

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The true astrologer’s insight

In the traditional Vedic culture of India going back thousands of years, astrology was well accepted, and in fact it was the brahmanas – the priests – who were also astrologers, doctors and teachers. They were referred to as “tri-kala-jna” aware of past, present and future, which is what an astrologer is technically, by dint of his or her ability to interpret the movements of…

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A lesser known aspect of astrology is the use of asteroids. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter has many thousands of course, but some of the bigger ones (from 250km - 1000km in diameter) have been named and given symbolic archetypal meaning by modern astrologers. Four primary ones are Ceres, Vesta, Juno and Pallas, discovered just over a hundred years ago, although it is…

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