Cilantro purifies water
The herb cilantro has been found to be an amazing water purifier, as it absorbs heavy metals and harmful chemicals such as nickel and lead...
The herb cilantro has been found to be an amazing water purifier, as it absorbs heavy metals and harmful chemicals such as nickel and lead...
Plastic is everywhere. In fact, the environment is so riddled with it, researchers predict that 99% of all birds on this planet will have plastic in their gut by the year 2050...
A method of farming focuses primarily on growing high value crops, high yielding crops, companion planting, and much closer spacing than conventional farming methods allow...
How are we going to feed ourselves with a growing population, diminishing resources and a challenging climate?
Growers in colder climates often utilize various approaches to extend the growing season or to give their crops a boost, whether it's coldframes, hoop houses or greenhouses. Greenhouses are usually glazed structures, but are typically expensive to construct and heat throughout the winter. A much more affordable and effective alternative to glass greenhouses is the walipini (an Aymara Indian word for a "place of warmth"),…
This discussion features Dr. Roger Leakey, a crop physiologist and tree biologist who has worked in forestry and agroforestry aimed to reverse deforestation and desertification in the tropics. Read more...